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  • Writer's pictureAnn

Pick a direction. Any direction. Just start!

Watch this.

I'm going to perform a mobius-strip magic trick right in front of your eyes.

Right here.

As you watch.

Watching? Good.

We live in an ever increasing overly-exposed, competitive, massively judgmental world. Every nook and cranny of our lives is in the public sphere, observable and constantly being compared to everyone else's. Your morning no-makeup selfie, taken in natural light on your cracked screen phone in legit no-makeup, is showing up in your friend's Instagram feed right behind the latest professionally taken and edited, lots of makeup 'no-makeup', surgically enhanced shot of pick-any-Kardashian. I don't know about you, but it makes me feel like all my pictures need to look like the best ever picture on Instagram before I should post anything at all.

The universal access of the internet means you can put lots of people, including yourself, side by side for comparison. And it becomes really tempting to measure people against one another. That includes ourselves. But, here's the thing.... we need to give people the room to grow, to be imperfect, to be new, to try and fail and learn and try again. You don't expect a one year old to run like Usain Bolt. And if you did, that cute little baby might never end up on her own two feet.

We owe ourselves the same grace. To be seen. To be seen being imperfect. Trying. Failing. Learning. Trying again.

Don't be afraid to put yourself out there before you are ready. (And I'm not just talking about on the internet, folks!) Do you have something you want to do? That you want to share with your friends? The world? Are you nervous because it's not perfect? Do you think it's not worthy because it's not perfect?

It's time to let go of all that judgement. Your own and anyone else's. Give it a shot. Give yourself grace.

Pick a direction, any direction, and start.

I am.

Welcome to my blog. ;-)

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